
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Owning my Blog

When I first started writing this blog, I didn't tell anyone. In fact, I think it was a few months before I even told my husband. I'm not sure why I have been so secretive.. Maybe I'm afraid people will judge what I write or judge me for the simple fact that I have a blog. Anyway, I'm ready to take ownership of my blog, and that means sharing the link on facebook so that my friends and family can read what I'm writing. One reason I decided to make this leap is because I write so much about my little man, and since we live in another state, our family doesn't get to see him much so this is a way for them to be informed about all the milestones he is reaching.

So here's to opening up my blog : )


  1. Good for you! I'm in the same boat! I didn't tell anyone I had a blog for the longest time (I still haven't made it "facebook official") but now that those closest to me know about it, it is so much more fun!

  2. I'm proud of you!! I haven't shared my blog with too many people, and definitely haven't been brave enough to share it on my facebook. I think it's really cool though since you have family who I'm sure would love to keep up with your life. :)

  3. Good job! It is hard putting yourself out there...more with people you know than total strangers.

  4. I only told my boyfriend about my blog this week! He was surprised that I hadn't told him and thinks I should share it on Facebook and twitter. I guess I'm the same and was worried that I would be judged for having a blog or what I write aswell. I'm not quite ready to share it on Facebook yet but hopefully one day! Well done for getting the courage :) x

  5. Congrats -- my husband knows about mine, and a few of our friends ... but I havent really told a lot of people, either. I guess I just don't want to hear my Dad rant on and on about privacy and how I need to protect my kids from all the crazies in the world. I already got that lecture about Instagram.

  6. I can DEFINITELY relate! The hubby doesn't even know that I write on a blog (not that it's really even a secret) but I'm still hesitant to be forthcoming about it.
    Congrats!! :-)

  7. I totally get it. I have only told close friend and I have had my blog for three years. I still haven't shared the link on my person facebook page.
